Category: Odes
Ode to Having a Computer
Having a computer is essential in this day and age. They are truly powerful and versatile tools. They can be toys, distractions, workshops, easels, phones, and photo-albums. Nearly anything you wish to do in the mind and literary world can be accomplished with a computer. Having a computer makes writing much simpler for two reasons:…
Ode to Fantasy
Fantasy is idealistic. It takes the world that we live in and makes it grander. The impossible becomes possible. The good becomes great. The ordinary become extraordinary. There are dragons. Magic is a real and potent part of the world. The gods are miraculously and apparently active in the world. There is the chance to…
Ode to Octopi
Octopodes are clever. They have so many of the coolest attributes of the animal kingdom. They can change color for nearly flawless camouflage, use tools, construct homes, squeeze through the tiniest of cracks, disappear in an ink cloud, independently control each of their eight suckered arms, and they are smart to boot. There are some…
Ode to Milanos
Milanos are simply amazing. Each flavor is a great balance of chocolate, cookie, and some other thing. There are orange, lemon, raspberry, mint, double chocolate, and peppermint that I have seen and tasted (Oooo! I recently discovered mocha, pumpkin spice, and remembered dulce de leche too). They are resilient to the packing of backpacks, do…
Ode to Coffee
Coffee is supposed to give energy. Caffeine excites the nervous system, so coffee gives a buzz of energy that totally lasts, right? Wrong. I am variably affected by caffeine. If I have some, it actually makes me drowsy and anxious (which is a great combination). If I have some either at the right time or…
Ode to Creosote
Creosote might be the coolest plant ever. It is an unassuming, scraggly bush that arguably looks more dead than alive. However, it grows prolifically over some of the hottest deserts on Earth. This hardy little plant can live as a single organism for over a thousand years. It sinks roots so deeply into the soil…
Ode to Family
Family is close. Your family is the one set of people that you are certainly around entirely, that you will never be truly separated from, that will always be there unasked, that will remain unchanged no matter the circumstance. This can be the most amazing thing if you choose to interact with them well. They…
Ode to Kindles
Kindles are a traveler’s best friend. I have had mine for almost a decade. I still remember the entire suitcase of books I had to pack for studying abroad in Italy. It weighed the maximum a suitcase on an international flight could, and lugging it through train stations and onto the Funiculare was in a…