On the Four Acumina

Quattuor Acumina: Intelegência, Puissance, Sagezza, Carisma

Intelegência: science, facts, reality

Intelegência, intelligence, is the acumen of understanding and knowing the world and information. This is the acumen of science, facts, and uncompromising reality. It is synthetic in the past, analytical in the present, and prescient in the future. intelegência allows us to learn from the past and compare events to bring together a reasonable course of action, synthesizing both the mistakes and successes seen for 改善. The mark of intelegência in synthesis is the ability to iterate upon beneficial examples and even build on them by casting off detrimental ones. This allows the dynamic balance to be sought.

When continually confronted with situations in the present, intelegência is to evaluate what is happening, why, and how to be fully aware of the status of the current system and where it stands in relation to dynamic balance. It is quickly analyzing what is functioning toward 改善 and what needs to be changed. Here action with intention is required. The mark of intelegência in the present is analyzing so that ones actions and reactions are purposeful and thought through rather than emotional.

Intelegência gives a limited ability to predict the future. By understanding the reality of the world and how it behaves, one can foresee the outcomes of systems in whatever state they are in. This may be inevitable as it is out of the power of the agents in the system, or it may allow one to exercise puissance to affect the system and move it toward dynamic balance. The mark of intelegência in prediction is the frequency in which one can exercise puissance through the sagezza of knowing consequences and importance of action.

The importance of intelegência to the other acumina is that it allows one to understand clearly what is, was, and will be happening in the system. Through this understanding, one can then better use sagezza to understand the implications in the various actions and elements, better choose where to exercise puissance, and gain a greater ability for compassion in their charisma.

This defines how likely actions are to be successful.


Puissance: athleticism, health, and influence

Puissance, prowess, is the acumen of understanding and commanding one’s surroundings. This is the acumen of athleticism, health, and influence on reality. It is cumulative in the past, active in the present, and prepared in the future.

Puissance is the control of ones body and physical environment to be able to react to that environment. It requires consistency, dedication, and some amount of natural talent. It responds extremely well to these, yet can be overcome through training. Each iteration of puissance gives a direct building on the past as well as indirect application through similar or shared activities. The skills that are acquired and built upon become refined to allow us professionalism and the exercise of art.

The use of puissance in the present allows us to maintain our health, recover from illness, and interact with the world we experience. This can be as direct as knowing how to physically manipulate objects to our benefit or as indirect as being aware of our preferences and appetite. It is the knowledge of self to maintain the four healths, yet it is also our ability to help others in sickness and in health.

The cumulative nature of puissance and its necessary maintenance then gives us the ability to prepare for the future. It is then the power to act and change the world to some extent to our will. This power can be either tangible or hidden in one’s influence, but stems from the way we know about how the world works and can be influenced by our actions.

By practicing, one creates allows certain skills to become almost automatic, reducing the effort of intelegência and carisma while simultaneously allowing one to focus on higher levels of the same acumina. The sagezza that comes from training allows one 改善, and gives us a large amount of influence on systems to work toward and achieve dynamic balance.

This defines what courses of action are available.


Sagezza: morality, guidance, and consequences

Sagezza, wisdom, is the acumen of understanding consequences and morality. This is the acumen of knowing what is right, why and what requires 改善, and the effects that actions will have on the dynamic balance. It is traditional in the past, ritual in the present, and pensive in the future.

Sagezza is the accumulation of knowledge as time goes by. It is a large part of what defines civility and rise above the nature of beasts. Sagezza is where we gain our sense of right and wrong, action and consequence, means and ends. As people have been very much interested in this through the ages, the sagezza of humanity is passed in various traditions from culture to religion to language. These all give suggestions of what it means to act with sagezza or to fail to do so in attempts to save us the pain of falling into the myriad pitfalls that could easily consume us when life hits the realm of the grey, neutral moralities.

In the present, we use our own experiences, including that we have learned from the past to guide our actions, evaluating the worth of what we do against the price and risks of it. With sagezza in the present, we are able to take a momentary step aside to see not just what is in front of us, but the repercussions of what we do. With more time and experience in the world, we are better able to judge how we should act, whether or not it is with our own nature and personality. By increasing sagezza, we better allow ourselves to rise to higher levels and guide our actions morally.

Using sagezza allows us then to see the consequences of our actions, be they good, evil, neutral, or some measure of all three. With greater sagezza, we can better manipulate the systems for positive effects. This allows one to hopefully circumvent disaster and act for the betterment of the world around us, perhaps not in the immediate moment, but letting our actions echo into future, choosing betterment.

Sagezza is often misguided or ineffectual when one ignores the other acumina. Without intelegência, the consequences of our actions upon the world are less likely to be seen as it falls into dreams and intentions rather than well reasoned action. Without carisma, all of the best sagezza in the world is confined to a single person with no means of helping the world 改善 at a larger system to achieve dynamic balance. Puissance is the hands by which sagezza can be implemented thus giving meaningful, guided action by which 改善 may achieve that dynamic balance.

This defines which actions should be taken.


Carisma: motivation, relationships, and networks

Carisma, charisma, is the acumen of understanding connections and social interactions. This is the acumen of motivation, relationships, and networks. It is accepting in the past, communicative in the present, and confident in the future.

Carisma starts with an understanding of oneself and how your experiences have shaped your personality, opinions, and reactions. From there it extends to the sense of empathy that allows you to be compassionate to the plight of others. As an acumen, it removes judgement and allows for the understanding of people from all points of view. It is the ability to remember, yet forgive and use one’s experiences to move forward to 改善。

As you navigate the world, carisma allows you to effectively, politely, and clearly communicate with others. It is the ability to relate to those around you and create positive interactions. It is the knowledge of how to react to others from the realization of sincerity or joking to the expression of sympathy for both joys and hardship. Through carisma, you are able to most effectively get an message across that reflects you as an individual and is tailored to the recipient of your message.

Through your acumen of carisma, you can be confident of how to approach proposed social interactions and plans. You are able to acknowledge your own preferences and accept the differences of others to better relate to them. You can ideally suit the plans you have and predict how they will affect all around. You better put forward the side of you that shows you in your best lights and attributes.

In non-social systems, carisma fundamentally allows one to see the link between the actions of puissance and the consequences of sagezza. Carisma pairs with intelegência to fully understand the status, function, and potential of a system. Carisma then gives the knowledge to propose reactions for evaluation of sagezza before puissance is needed in 改善。Thus intelegência starts and allows one to evaluate what is happening and what might be changed, carisma evaluates how changes might occur, sagezza evaluates how occurances have value, and puissance implements the most valuable action to thus achieve 改善 and dynamic balance.

This defines how the system will react to actions.



