Relevant fun fact: adverb formation in the Romance languages uses the suffix -ment(e) which comes from the Latin: with respect to/using the mind.
Intelectualmente: Intelegência
Intellectual health is the pursuit of knowledge. The mind needs to be engaged. It does not do well with constantly mulling over the same things. Paradoxically, it is strengthened and formed by the repetition of material which builds connections and information in the brain, but it has an inherent need for novelty to continue to grow. Many traps exist in the over-thinking things that have already been established, while health and joy come from productive use of the intellect. It exists to explore and understand the world. It is the device of good judgement and action, and it allows us to transcend instinct for 改善 and achieving a dynamic balance. Untrained intellect can be dangerous to both self and others, so its improvement is essential for the graces. It is through the intellect that these can be perceived. Since the intellect is also linked with intentional action, it allows for honos, humilitas, and fidelitas. The choice to give someone respect is an intentional one. It requires evaluation and esteem. So to are humility and fidelity, for they are graces shown and chosen through reasoned action. In maintaining intellectual health, it is easier to make sure of informed decisions in these graces. It is imperative for 改善, the means of finding and evaluating the system for its status and dynamic balance. Keeping the intellect healthy then allows for better action. This can be accomplished through the pursuit of curiosity; the training of skills, knowledge, and expertise; and the exploration of the world.
Physiquement: Puissance
Physical health gives the capability to act in the world and feel good. It requires physical action to strengthen the body. When one feels good, it becomes easier to maintain tenacitas et diligentia and pursue the other sănătati. This then can aid the intellectual in producing action for 改善. It incorporates much of the physics, chemistry, and biology of life. By maintaining physical health, the body feels better and gives an inherent sense of one’s capabilities. There are varying levels of fitness that will change based on activity, duration, and intensity. Physical capability in one area does not necessarily translate to capabilities in others, but in each physical health can be found. However, physical health achieved through one activity often eases other activities. It trains patientia as this process takes time and practice. Thus, exercise is neither entirely isolated nor ubiquitous. This leads to studia in that people tend to enjoy the things that they are good at and avoid those they are not. Maintenance of physical health is a major concern of people, and it extends to many aspects of life from exercise to diet to routine and beyond. Lifestyle adjusts through the course of time to allow and require different approaches during different periods. There will be common threads, but injury and illness necessitate breaks from some routines and establishments of others if only temporary.
Spiritualmente: Sagezza
Spiritual health is that of the intangible. It maintains spes, amor, and venia. There is a certain amount of release that must accompany the acceptance and trust of things out of control. It is the great wonder at the universe, at all the miracles that can be beheld in it. It is an appreciation for things non-human both in their beauty and value. The wonders of the universe unfold and can be sought through epic effort or simply by pausing to think and appreciate, such as the ephemeral moments of autumn and crepuscular light shows, reliable in their unfailing appearance yet wondrous in every renewed moment. For spiritual health, one must let go of the notion that they are central to the universe, of the desire to control all, of the isolation of existence. Compromise must be found between fate and free will. Acceptance of differences, maintenance of individuality, and concord between the two are necessary to accept the existence and spirituality of others yet find one suitable to oneself. In this health, comes the trust that things will work out, that there is reason and meaning in existence. It is the acknowledgement of realism in the balance of optimism and pessimism. It is a commitment to the ultimate system, beyond each individualized one, and finding its dynamic balance through 改善.
Emotivamente: Carisma
Emotional health is trust in and connection to people. It is the maintenance and reciprocation of connections to others. It requires both positive feedback to be part of one’s community and strength to maintain one’s independence. By expressing benignitas, amor, and fides, coordinated management of meaning can be maintained, the common ground on which to build the dynamic balance of relationships. Through these graces, 改善 naturally occurs, and the reciprocation of them feeds strength to continue to express them. It makes self-esteem maintenance easier, and affirms the sense of successfully navigating the world, particularly its difficulties and uncertainties. In emotional health is found the key to happiness. As with all sănătati, they depend on and reinforce one another. A sense of physical well-being provides the energy and means of pursuing the intellectual which allows you to find the spiritual and find either individual wonder or shared comfort in the emotional. The spiritual sparks the curiosity to pursue the intellectual which satisfies the emotional with accomplishment and prompts physical health and growth. The strings of connections are interconnected and reconnected over and over again to build the system that is each person. The pursuit and maintenance of these sănătati creates a consistent path of 改善 to provide the most individually important dynamic balance.